
The deadline for abstract submission has past. However there may be room for late submissions, contact Ian for more information.

Papers to be submitted for peer review by the 1st of August (extended from the original July 25th deadline).

Submit papers to

Peer review comments will be emailed out early the week after and final papers amendments are due by 12th September

Paper Format Requirements

To make editing and compiling easier, please submit papers in the following format:

Paper Requirements

  • Paper Length:  5000-8000 words, including abstract and references
  • All papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
  • Paper Size: A4
  • Margins: Top: 2 cm; Left: 2 cm; Bottom: 2 cm; Right: 2 cm
  • Body Font Size Arial Font, 10 Point and left and right justified
  • Spacing: Use single-space, single-column typing
  • Authors should include an abstract and 3-4 key words
  • Graphics clear and legible, preferably black/white or greyscale

Please do NOT include:

  • Number pages
  • Headers and Footers
  • Institutional Logos
  • More than two (2) heading levels


  • List all references at the end of the paper
  • In-text references in Harvard style
    Authors last names should be listed before their initials, followed by the year of publication, article title, journal name, volume number and page number or page number range.
    Example: Authors, (year), “article title”, journal, volume, page(s)
  • References are to be arranged alphabetically by last name.